contact us

Use the form on the right to contact us.
We’ll get in touch as soon as we can!

3456 Evaline Street
Hamtramck, Mi 48212


HATCH is a grassroots collective of artists from Hamtramck and the greater Detroit area. It exists to support, grow and promote local art and artists.

Current / Upcoming


Call For Entries:
Hatchback 19

Deadline March 10


Coming to the Hatch Gallery…

March 8-30
Sam Gulliver / Subjectively Objective

April 5-27
Hatchback 19

May 3 - June 1
Wild Show (Curated by Luke MacGilvray & Mike Kelly)

June 7-29
Home (Curated by Jen Barker)

June - August
Jeff Schofield (Jail Cell)

July 12 - August 10
Mary Fortuna / Scott Northrup

September 6 - 28
Jide Aje 25th Comemorative

September - November
Luke MacGilvray (Jail Cell)

October 4 - November 2
Book Art Show

November 8 - December 7
Happy Show

November - December
Allycia Laura (Jail Cell)